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"Dragan Koljanin"
Phytocenological analysis of fir dominated forest (Abies alba Mill.) on silicate substrate in Sitnica (northwestern Bosnia and Herzegovina) (2022-09)
B. Kuridža, D. Koljanin, J. Brujić, Phytocenological analysis of fir dominated forest (Abies alba Mill.) on silicate substrate in Sitnica (northwestern Bosnia and Herzegovina), Book of abstracts, Sep, 2022 -
“A contribution to the vascular and bryophyte flora of the upper Neretva and Zalomka River valleys (Bosnia and Herzegovina, south-east Europe) (2025-02)
Ђ. Милановић, S. Strgulc Krajšek, J. Brujić, I. Čehulić, V. Heimer, D. Koljanin, M. Kravanja, I. Rešetnik, В. Ступар, P. Schönswetter, B. Frajman, “A contribution to the vascular and bryophyte flora of the upper Neretva and Zalomka River valleys (Bosnia and Herzegovina, south-east Europe), Natura Sloveniae: Journal of Field Biology, No. special issue, Feb, 2025 -
Analysis of the association Galio rotundifolii-Abietetum albae Wraber (1955) 1959 on Manjača Mt (NW Bosnia and Herzegovina) (2022)
B. Kuridža, D. Koljanin, J. Brujić, Analysis of the association Galio rotundifolii-Abietetum albae Wraber (1955) 1959 on Manjača Mt (NW Bosnia and Herzegovina), Гласник Шумарског факултета Универзитета у Бања Луци, Vol. 32, 2022 -
Classification of Wetland Forests and Scrub in the Western Balkans (2023-03)
D. Koljanin, J. Brujić, A. Čarni, Đ. Milanović, Ž. Škvorc, В. Ступар, Classification of Wetland Forests and Scrub in the Western Balkans, Diversity, Vol. 15, No. 3, Mar, 2023 -
Notes on the distribution and conservation status of some rare plants of wet habitats in Bosnia and Herzegovina (2023-03)
D. Koljanin, J. Brujić, В. Ступар, Đ. Milanović, Notes on the distribution and conservation status of some rare plants of wet habitats in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Biologica Nyssana, Vol. 14, No. 1, Mar, 2023 -
New data on the distribution and threat status of three rare spring geophytes from Bosnia and Herzegovina (2021)
D. Koljanin, Đ. Milanović, V. Stupar, New data on the distribution and threat status of three rare spring geophytes from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Phytologia Balcanica, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 107 - 114, 2021 -
Some wetland plants in Bosnia and Herzegovina - new records and conservation remarks (2022-06)
J. Brujić, Д. Кољанин, Ђ. Милановић, В. Ступар, Some wetland plants in Bosnia and Herzegovina - new records and conservation remarks, Abstracts, pp. 38 - 39, Jun, 2022 -
Study of riparian forest and scrub vegetation of the Zalomka and upper Neretva Rivers (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (2025-02)
В. Ступар, J. Brujić, Д. Кољанин, Study of riparian forest and scrub vegetation of the Zalomka and upper Neretva Rivers (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Natura Sloveniae: Journal of Field Biology, No. special issue, Feb, 2025